About Us​

If you want to resolve the issue for real, the best way to do so is to identify and resolve the root cause.

We, here at ConnectBase, are doing our bit to address the issue of unemployment and lower employability of fresh graduates. No doubt that Indian education system demand a major overhauling, yet the issue may remain unresolved if it fails to establish the integration between the three different communities – Schools, Colleges, and Industries. ConnectBase will be implementing 3-step solution to build an ecosystem establising integration between these three communities.

ConnectBase Foundation has been established with an aim to empower information exchange between the communities.

ConnectBase Innovation Center will enhance the competence of youth by promoting research and innovation activities amoung the youth and will leverage their excellence by creating enterprises from the backyard of univerisities.

Our Mission

To create an ecosystem empowering streamline information exchange and promoting strategic collaboration between academia and industry.

“You came here empty handed, and you will leave empty handed. What is yours today belonged to someone else yesterday and will belong to someone else tomorrow."

- The Bhagavad Gita

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